Starting in 10.7.2, Apple set the iCloud sign-in to pop up on the first login.
In 10.10, Apple added a new Diagnostics & Usage window that pops up at first login after the iCloud sign-in.
In 10.12, Apple added another new pop-up window for Siri.
To stop the Siri pop-up window from appearing for your home folder, run the command shown below:
defaults write DidSeeSiriSetup -bool TRUE
Since you normally will be able to run this command only after you’ve seen the Siri pop-up window, I’ve updated my script for suppressing the iCloud and Diagnostic pop-up windows to now also suppress the Siri pop-up window. For more details, see below the jump.
The script is below and is also available on my GitHub repo. This script is also available as a payload-free package on my GitHub repo, available for download from the payload_free_package directory available from the link above.
For those who want to disable the Siri pop-up window using management profiles, I’ve created a .mobileconfig file and posted it here on Github: